Best practices for customer service will vary across industry and are dependent the product or the service sold. Establishing great customer service programs all start with asking similar questions. Ten questions to begin with are:
- Why did the customer buy from you?
- Does that need still exist?
- How often does your company stay in contact with customers?
- What is the competition offering?
- How price sensitive are your customers?
- Do you establish personal relationships with your customers?
- How often are you spamming them with emails, newletters and other unwanted information?
- What is you loss client ratio?
- Do your customers tell you about problems or do they just not purchase again?
- How often do you do customer satisfaction surveys or problem resolution follow-up?
Great customer service requires a commitment from the top of an organization in order effect a cultural change. Most importantly, the culture of your business must be adjusted to recognize that all things being equal, businesses must exceed their customer’s expectations as just meeting customer expectations is not a strong enough hook to keep them.
Best of breed customer service organizations have lower client loss ratios, higher profit margins and substantially higher growth.
Talk to The Entrepreneur’s Advisor™ to find out how we can improve your customer satisfaction levels.
To learn more about client retention and controlling loss client ratios you may want to read the following articles.
Micro-enterprises Cleaning Services Takes A Hit
7 Ways to Make Sure Clients Return for the Next Holiday Season
I could not agree more and this is why my business is focusing not only where “customer experience” is the montra of the day, but in healthcare, law offices, and other “practices”. WoWing a customer shouldn’t just happen in the typical consumer industry.
Lots for healthcare and other service providers to learn!!
I believe that many customers will simply stop working with your company without telling you why. WE have found that the most vocal clients may not always be the worst clients. These clients at least let you know where you may be falling short rather than replacing you. Good Info!
Hi Andrew, my experience is the same. I would rather have a vocal customer than a silent one. At least with a vocal customer you have the opportunity to fix a problem.