Guest author: 24-Year Book and Internet Marketing Coach Judy Cullins
If you haven’t taken teleseminars on print and eBook writing, here’s a few more reasons to get you going.
Reason 1. You want to be an author. A book will set you apart from others without one. It brings prestige along with being know as an expert in your field. Not only print books work for this, eBooks also make you a credible “go to” person in your field. Today’s business world wants easy-to-read and short because their time is so valuable.
Reason 2. You want your eBook to be a lead generator to other products or services. A $6.95 ebook can attract a ready to go client if it’s high quality. I advise no fluff, all how to’s that your audience really wants.
Reason 3. You can expand your eBook title to a longer print book, seminars, telseminars, CDs, and your service. Repurpose one short product to a fee MP3 audio or a CD of your teleseminar that reflects your book information.
Reason 4. Educate your audience with your eBook illustating the skills they want to lead them to your business. This year’s #1 business trend is not selling, but to to educate to market.
Reason 5. Lead your audience to your services along with your teleseminars and training or speaking business.Take for example the Amazon book on writing an eBook –It’s a coach inside the pages-and shows how valuable the skills are. It’s an important low cost item in any sales funnel. With a sales funnel you can build from free to low cost to middle cost to long term services and big packages that fuel your income each month.
Reason 6. Your free eBooks build your opt-in lists at your site.
You many not realize that giving away an ebook for free will monitize your other higher priced offerings. So, if you want more opt-in ezine subscribers, offer a quality 20 or so page eBook.
Reason 7. Your audience buys your eBook because they want one of the bonuses you offer. So, always include 3-5 bonus reports or free audios for each eBook you sell.
Reason 8. You can monitize your months and years of blogging with a eBook. I know many of you have blogs and post often with tips for your niche audience. You can package these posts and put into an eBook and sell it or give it away as a lead generator. You may want so coaching to make sure it’s not just a list. Treat it like a book with proper hooks, introductions, and segways that are natural.This works for articles you write. Using hubpages ( a high traffic site as a blog can save you time too). Think of your audience really appreciating your up-to-the minute education they want.
Reason 9. Become a recognized “go to” person in your field with an eBook. They take way less time because they are short and only address one audience or one problem to solve.
Reason 10. Offer your eBooks and packages as an affiliate.
I do, and I know many people who make $8000 a month when they do it right. You get 50% as the author does. Be sure to include ongoing promotional copy for your affiliate partners so you sell a lot more.
Remember as you Google for information, so do others. They may want your information too.
The Entrepreneur’s Advisor thanks Ms. Cullins for her time and expertise.