Not Enough Time to Do your Book Project? See 8 tips and add yours

Guest author: 24-Year Book and Internet Marketing Coach Judy Cullins

If you are feeling a time crunch for your book project, you aren’t alone.

But, you know that if you don’t attend to your book, you pay these and other consequences:
-You don’t get visibility and credibility for much higher income.
-You feel bad about your procrastinating, which stresses you out getting even less done.
– You don’t get to join the exclusive “Authors Club” where the top 5% of successful business people are.

HERE’S HELP FOR YOU! make every minute of your day count with these tips to create a space for your book, making it the1st to 4th priority. Think what’s important, and if it isn’t, then move it below your book project.

Eight Tips to Finish Your Book Project in a Timely Way

1. Remember the payoffs your quality book will bring you. More
great clients, more wealth, and more spin off products that build your sales funnel.

2.Use the 80/20 rule. We all know that 80 percent of our results come from 20 percent of our efforts. If you put your book near the top of your priority list, and put your intention and attention on it, your focused 20% efforts will yield you 80% results.

3. Reduce your email time, even your social networking time.
Schedule an hour at the end of the day for each, and put your “PRIME TIME” book project at the top. That is, if it’s important to you.

4. Use my High-Level Activities (HLA) Plan. This is the action plan. Just write down 1-3 HLAs in your daily plan for your book ahead of time. Usually schedule one or two weeks at a time. Write and do these 3-5 times a week, and you will always FINSH your book projects like I do.


Mon next week:

Finish editing Non-techie Online Ways chapter on a book sales letter to post on Amazon in one month.( use date)

Wed next week:

Write 1 section of new report on self-publishing and Print on Demand showing the differences between the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Fri. next week: write promo and send out to my data base, opt-in lists a notice for my upcoming “Write your Print and eBook at the Same Time.”

5. Use this $25,000 tip from Charles Schwab:

-Write in YOUR organizer only 3-5 HLAs to do’s each day. You won’t feel guilty because you can FINISH them.

-Write down these HLAs the night or days before to let your subconscious work on them while you sleep. Then, they are half done when you get up to see your new day. Never wait until today to write your to do’s down for today. You’ll lose momentum and muddle.

-Finally, FINISH # 1 priority BEFORE you move on to #2.
This keeps you on the mark and your don’t wander off to less important, but loud requests or demands. Serve yourself and your book. Don’t let others steal your precious time. Because time is life, and you don’t want to waste a minute of it.

6. Use a kitchen timer to stop you before your fall over the cliff of doing non-essentials. At the end of 30-40 minutes, take a breathing break to renew your creative juices. Or, do your stretches to keep your back happy. Or, take a walk on the wild side–that is, outside your office. When you are relaxed, you write so much better.

7. Make your goal completion, not perfection. I bet many of you don’t do all you want to because it must be just so.One exercise I recommend is to do something each day imperfectly. Smile.

8. Enjoy your book journey and know it’s always easier with a partner.

With these tips and a good partner, you’ll finally finish that book project, and soon!

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