Global Warming is Killing Us Slowly But Surely

Floating Iceberg
Floating Iceberg

Sometimes I wonder and get a little ticked off at people who claim or insist global warming is not occurring. This is not meant to be a political statement or discussion as I detest  politics in general. But when I hear misinformed people who are otherwise intelligent, twittering and re-tweeting or fluff blogging, I find myself asking why.

The reality is that organizations whose economic lifeblood is directly tied the production of greenhouse gases and other environmentally harmful products have hired spin doctors (professional lobbyist and media experts) to cast doubt in order to stimulate their bottom line. The problem is they are doing a good job at deceiving people.

Most of us have heard all the conspiracy theories especially with regards to what our governments are telling us in an attempt to manipulate the truth. However, what if the government is actually telling us something is wrong? You don’t have to have a science background to understand effects of acid rain, deforestation, pollution or the huge iceberg floating off the coast of Australia.   

This issue has nothing to do with natural climate changes the earth goes through. The issue is about stopping the idiots who would rather see us kill ourselves to protect their sales.

If you really believe global warming is a hoax read this article linked below. The article was published on December 7, 2009

The EPA has a great link for Climate Change


5 thoughts on “Global Warming is Killing Us Slowly But Surely”

  1. BTW, as a follow-up to my previous comments, even on the EPA site itself , see the following page and about “State of Knowledge – What is Not Known” and you’ll get a flavor of the some of the facts about whether the current models really mean anything or not.

    1. Hi Jeff,

      Your point is well taken. Much of the science required to bring truth to the issues is certainly unrefined. I have a a science background and I remember 30 years ago being warned of the coming ice age – lol. However science has advanced enough to start measuring the changes and projecting effects. With that said, my concern remains that global warming is a concern for all of us and that we continue to self inflict the wounds.

      History has told us over and over that those in power have a tendency to do or say anything to keep it. Hence my comment regarding the spin doctors and their attempts to discredit those that suggest global warming is occurring. It is not a new tactic, but regrettably still effective.

      Thanks for your comment


  2. It seems reasonably clear that the earth is in fact warming. After all, much of North America was covered by ice about 20,000+ years ago and the earth has been naturally warming since that time. Additionally, there are areas in Greenland that are now starting to be exposed that actually show evidence of farming on the same very land that previously was concealed by ice. Hence – we have been here before prior to industrialization and in relatively recent (human) history.

    So, to your point, to debate whether the earth is warming or not is really not the point. The point is the question of whether or not the earth is being artificially warmed by human activities (to the point of no return). This is really MUCH MUCH less clear. In fact, this is highly questionable based on the warming models. The whole “green house gases” theory is very poorly understood and highly variable analysis. Just only 20 or 30 years ago, the people arguing warming now were actually warning about cooling back then. When further data showed problems with the model, the model was tweaked and not it shows warming. Not exactly clear science.

    For the record – your EPA article reference says nothing really except that “we are generating things into the atmosphere” and “we see ice melting” and then by implication ‘in conclusion – humans are destroying the planet’.

    To be clear, my argument does not prove the conclusion is false, only that the science does not even come close to proven that the argument is in fact correct. Anybody that states the models PROVE anything at all, don’t understand the models nor the science.

    My problem with trying to address this “problem” with policies that will prove highly costly – money that can be used for provable REAL PROBLEMS that CAN BE SOLVED instead of this speculation on the theories, is what the problem is in my mind. Feel free to spend your money on whatever you want, but for my money and my vote, its my right not to spend my hard earned money on the folly of others.

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